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훌륭한 교사의 자질로 볼 수 있는 속성들

교컴지기 | 2013.02.18 09:25 | 조회 13293 | 공감 3 | 비공감 0

훌륭한 교사는 후천적 노력에 의해 가능한 것일까, 아니면 어느 정도는 타고나야 하는 것일까? Annette Breaux는 자신의 시각에서 훌륭한 교사의 자질을 몇 가지 범주로 정리하고 있다. 일단 눈에 들어오는 몇 가지를 보면 다음과 같다. 자세한 내용은 원문을 참고하시길.

훌륭한 교사의 자질로 볼 수 있는 속성들

- (그것이 허풍일지라도) 아이들을 사랑한다.
- 교실 경영을 완전하게 책임진다.
- 이해력이 높으며 지적인 능력의 소유자이다.
- 자신이 무대에 선 배우인 것을 알고 있다.
- 친절하고 인정이 많으며 인내심이 강하다.
- 개인적 문제를 공적 영역에 연계시키지 않는다.
- 자신의 문제해결 프로그램을 가지고 있다.
- 유머가 있다.
- 학생들과 관계지향적으로 만난다.
- 학생들이 모두 성공할 수 있다는 것을 믿는다.
- 그들은 완전한 교사가 아니다. 잘못을 인정한다.

특히 마지막 완전한 교사가 아님을 알고 실수를 했을 때, 학생들에게 사과할 수 있고 이 실수로부터 배울 기회를 제공한다는 접근은 멋지다. 아래 원문 참고.


Can anyone be a great teacher?

By Annette Breaux on February 15th, 2013 | Comments(2)

We’ve all known them — that elite group of teachers we deem the great ones. Why are they an elite group? And why don’t all, or at least most, teachers fall into this esteemed category? To attempt to answer those questions, let’s first answer a few others.

Can anyone be a great teacher? Quite simply, no. There are certain attributes a person must embody in order to be a great teacher. Next question — Are great teachers born and not made? Though some people definitely possess an innate “gift” for teaching, most great teachers were not born. They were made!

But it’s a little misleading to say they were made, because this implies that someone else did the work or that there’s some type of magic that’s been bestowed upon them. In actuality, great teachers work very hard to earn their coveted status. There’s no magic involved, but they do seem to work magic every day in their classrooms!

So what are some of the qualities that all great teachers possess?

  • At the risk of overstating the obvious, great teachers truly love children! If you don’t love children, you can’t be a great teacher.  Period.  At the risk of really overstating the obvious, if you don’t love children, you shouldn’t be in education!
  • Great teachers are masters at classroom management. They understand the importance of structure. Their management plans consist of clearly stated rules that are enforced fairly, calmly and consistently and of procedures that are practiced until they become routines. Students know what to expect. No surprises!
  • Great teachers are intelligent people who possess a thorough understanding of their subject matter. They are not, however, arrogant in their knowledge. Rather, they use their knowledge to simplify what’s complex and to accommodate their students’ individual abilities and levels of understanding.
  • Great teachers understand that they are actors on a stage. Yes, actors. They are performers capable of entertaining, capturing and enrapturing their audiences every day. Their enthusiasm is contagious, and they act as though everything they teach is their favorite thing to teach.
  • Great teachers are positive, kind, compassionate, patient people. Though they are as human as anyone else, they do not allow students to push their buttons. They handle even the most challenging situations with composure, thoughtfulness and professionalism. They never compromise a student’s dignity.
  • Great teachers do not allow their personal problems to bleed into their teaching. In simplest terms, they don’t impose their moods on their students.
  • Great teachers are problem solvers. They don’t play the blame game. Nor do they play ostrich, sticking their heads in the sand. They identify problems and immediately get busy finding solutions.
  • Great teachers don’t endure change; rather, they ensure it — not simply for the sake of change, but for the betterment of teaching and learning.
  • Great teachers have a sense of humor, and they share it daily with their students.
  • Great teachers continually strive to make learning fun, relevant, interesting, challenging and engaging. In the classrooms of great teachers, students are encouraged to question, discuss, debate, experiment, invent and make lots of mistakes.
  • Great teachers recognize the importance of establishing positive relationships with their students. They subscribe to the belief that in order to teach a student, you must first reach a student. Thus, they get to know their students on a personal level.
  • Great teachers have high expectations of all students and truly believe that every student can succeed.
  • Great teachers are not perfect teachers. When they make mistakes, they act as good role models do, admitting their mistakes, learning from these mistakes and offering apologies if necessary.

The bottom line is that great teachers are some of the most dedicated and committed people you will ever meet. For them, going the extra mile is just a warm up for the marathon. Not surprisingly, great teachers are also some of the most humble people you will ever meet. They are the real difference-makers in education. Many of them do not even realize just how exceptional they really are. Or if they do, they’re just too darn humble to admit it. But we see you, we know who you are, and we thank you!

Annette Breaux is an internationally-renowned author and speaker. She is the author of the national best-seller “101 Answers for New Teachers and Their Mentors.” She has also co-authored books with Harry Wong and Todd Whitaker. She may be contacted at AnnetteLBreaux@yahoo.com or on Twitter @AnnetteBreaux.



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