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기간 : 현재기준

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프로젝트학습 참고자료

웹탐구학습 진행절차 안내

교컴지기 | 2011.01.14 08:55 | 조회 6755 | 공감 0 | 비공감 0

Student Guides

It is important that we instruct students not only about content, but also about processes for interacting with data and with each other. The following process guides are designed for student use.

1. Brainstorming 브레인스토밍
Many times we ask students to brainstorm without ever actually instructing them on the best way to do it.
2. Building Consensus 공감대 형성
In a world with varied opinions, consensus and compromise is becoming more and more important.
3. Evaluating Web Page Content 웹 페이지 콘텐츠 평가
Is it the truth because it is on the web? This guide helps students figure out if a web page can be trusted.
4. Using Primary Source Documents 기본적인 원자료 문서의 사용
The web has them, but then what? Students learn general rules when evaluating everything from presidential speeches to first hand accounts of the middle passage to newspaper articles.
5. Viewing a Photograph 사진 보기
A picture says a thousand words, but which ones? Tips on what to look for when examining an image.
6. Interview Techniques 인터뷰 기법
Students become the reporter, learn to prepare and conduct an interview.
7. Time Management 시간 관리
Reduce the stress. Efficient time management will help students get their homework in on time.
8. Persuasive Arguments 설득력있는 주장
Convince someone to see things your way! A general guide to set up a persuasive paper or presentation.

Teacher Guides 교사를 위한 안내

1. Evaluating Web Page Content 웹페이지 콘텐츠의 평가
This guide goes into more depth than the student guide. The teacher should review with students the contents.
2. Using Photographs in the Classroom 교실에서 사진 활용하기 
A few simple activity ideas to incorporate photographs into the curriculum

This page was designed by
Dan McDowell for the Triton and Patterns Projects of San Diego Unified School District. Last updated July 7, 1999.
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